Help for Humanity is a non-profitable organization
Working since 2011, for Poor, Destitute, Orphan, Needy, Widows & Children
and support people with Food, Clothing, Education, Rain Shelters, Entrepreneur and Health etc.
Serving Humanity since 2011 without any differentiation
We stand here because of your TRUST
Causes that need your urgent attention

Every year in winter season, we distribute Jackets, blankets in Slum and outer areas; soft clothes twice in a year in SLUM and to needy people. Average cost for single warm clothes: 500* INR

We sponsored many students for their school and college students for their studies. One student yearly average fees + syllabus + uniform = 15,000* INR

We supported many individuals to start or boost their own Business in small scale. Estimated budget for single business support = 10,000* INR

Since last many years we are helping many families in monthly grocery. We provide basic food to very needy families. Yearly cost of single family food pack is 18,000 INR

We received request time to time from various sources, and we support patients in Medical, Medication & Blood Donation Average monthly budget : 15,000* INR

Every year before monsoon season we help families in Rain Shelter and home repairing. Average cost for single rain shelter : 500* INR & average cost for home (single) repairing : 5000* INR
Our Projects

CHARITY Testimonials
NGO like Help for Humanity doing a very good job and help people in various ways. Great Job Team
गरीबों को ठंड में गरम कपड़े बांटना बहुत ही अच्छा और नैक काम है लोगों की ठंड से मौत भी हो जाती है यह बहुत अच्छा काम है जो आप लोग कर रहे हैं
बहुत ही खुशी हुई यह देख कर की Help for Humanity लोगों को उनके खुद को खुद बिजनेस करने में भी मदद करती है, यह बहुत ही अच्छी और positive सोच है इससे लोग अपने पैरों पर खुद खड़े हो सकेंगे
Poverty is a significant issue in India, The World Bank, in 2011 based on 2005’s PPPs International Comparison Program, estimated 23.6% of Indian population, or about 276 million people, lived below $1.25 (89.11 Rs) per day on purchasing power parity. As per the methodology of the Suresh Tendulkar Committee report, the population below the poverty line in India in 2009-2010 was 354 million (29.6% of the population) and that in 2011-2012 was 269 million (21.9% of the population). The Rangarajan Committee said in 2014 that the population below the poverty line in 2009-2010 was 454 million (38.2% of the population) and that in 2011-2012 was 363 million (29.5% of the population).
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